Media vs Government

Media vs Government. Power and authority enslave thought and thought to desires and take desires to where the return is impossible. There have been many characters in the past whose addiction to power and authority has written their name in history in black letters. Yes and no, the conflict between right and wrong, falsehood and … Read more

The doctors were trying to wake him up

The doctors were trying to wake him up

I panicked and I said in my panic, “I want to stop. It’s not my business.” He said, “Why.” I said, “Mr. I repeated the saying of Hazrat Ali (AS) in which the Lion of God had said that excessive preoccupation eats away at the emotions of human beings give me 5. He said: “People’s … Read more

Rising Inflation and Petrol Prices

Rising Inflation and Petrol Prices

When a time comes when a nation’s elites and rulers become indifferent to the problems of the common man, they do not take seriously even the most important problems of the people and do not suggest any concrete solution to any of their problems giveme5. If they can, then that nation should understand that this … Read more

Joint TV series on Salahuddin Ayyubi

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has stressed the need to educate the youth about Islamic history, saying that Pakistan and Turkey would jointly make a television series on the life of the brave warrior Salahuddin Ayubi and expressed hope that Using multimedia will help giveme5. Joint TV series on Salahuddin Ayyubi During a meeting with … Read more

I am proud of my worldliness

Maulana Tariq Jameel is the introduction of Pakistan and Islam all over the world. We can disagree with him a million times, but we have to accept the effect of Allah Almighty on his language and the sincerity of his religion. Maulana is my friend. “They often say ‘please’, they also meet and they call … Read more

What happened after becoming a Muslim?

“A column on social media has gone viral in recent days. This column was about the new Muslim Dr. Lawrence Brown and this was written by Javed Chaudhry. In the column, Mr. Chaudhry mentions Dr. Lawrence Brown, an American.” But there was an atheist (Laden) giveme5. His daughter Hina was born in 1990. She had … Read more

The leadership of all parties is not mentally democratic

Just as it is believed that it is impossible to achieve true democracy, real respect for the vote, real civilian supremacy under the leadership of all current political leaderships, it is also believed that all current political leaderships are mentally, internally independent, independent, strong institutions. Before talking about the contradiction of the words and deeds … Read more